En improvisationskurs för dig som är ny till,eller har viss erfarenhet av, improvisationsteater. Kursen introducerar grunderna i improvisationsteater och arbetar med improviserade scener.
Kursmål & studieresultat
Efter avslutad kurs kommer deltagaren att behärska improvisationsteaterns grundläggande principer och därigenom enkelt kunna genomföra improviserade scener med hjälp av de medel och verktyg som introducerats under kursens gång.
24 - 27 APRIL 2024
Doctor's Orders (DEN)
A fun, fast paced montage full of engaging characters both from this world and beyond. Like a well fitted catheter; great connections are made to allow their stories to flow freely. These doctors won't save any lives; but they'll make our journey towards the grave a hilarious one!
Production Date: Summer 2017
Manufacturer: ICC Theatre, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ingredients list: 49.9% Danish, 16.7% English, 16.7% Maltese, 16.7% Irish.
- 3 x a month as an Improv Comedy Copenhagen (ICC Theatre) house team.
- If symptoms of boredom and lack of laughter in your life continue; you can also find Doctor's Orders at various European Improv Festivals during past, present & future years. This includes SWIMP 2020!
Doctor's Orders (DEN) perform Saturday 7th of March.