En improvisationskurs för dig som är ny till,eller har viss erfarenhet av, improvisationsteater. Kursen introducerar grunderna i improvisationsteater och arbetar med improviserade scener.
Kursmål & studieresultat
Efter avslutad kurs kommer deltagaren att behärska improvisationsteaterns grundläggande principer och därigenom enkelt kunna genomföra improviserade scener med hjälp av de medel och verktyg som introducerats under kursens gång.
24 - 27 APRIL 2024
In collaboration with Bibliotek Uppsala #SWIMP are presenting Improv for kids.
> Friday 6th 2 pm: Improv for kids/Storymob w. Teater Prego (in Swedish)
Fredagsmys - Storymob (svenska)
En interaktiv föreställning för barn med utgångspunkt från en bok.
> Thursday 5th: Improv for kids in Finnish w. Hazel Salminen & Jacintha Damström
(closed event for a preschool)
No entrance fee.
Improvised theatre, is a theatrical form that gives unique opportunities to work with children's creativity.
In improvised theatre there are no scripts but there are several guidelines that you work around, these guidelines is there to make the game or play easier. One of the most important guidelines is the importance of listening. This goes for the improvisers on stage, they listen tho each other to make up functioning scene. But also, the improvisers listen to the audience and picks up their suggestions och reactions.
For children, this form of theatre where their suggestions make a crucial impact on the storyline of the show, makes them feel heard and gives them a boost in their own empowerment and creativity.