En improvisationskurs för dig som är ny till,eller har viss erfarenhet av, improvisationsteater. Kursen introducerar grunderna i improvisationsteater och arbetar med improviserade scener.
Kursmål & studieresultat
Efter avslutad kurs kommer deltagaren att behärska improvisationsteaterns grundläggande principer och därigenom enkelt kunna genomföra improviserade scener med hjälp av de medel och verktyg som introducerats under kursens gång.
24 - 27 APRIL 2024
The Park (US)

A well-rehearsed and efficient mess.
The Park is Jaymie and Liam, a well-rehearsed and efficient mess. The Park experiments with that which is on the other side of the improv “rules,” taking shows to their extremes, while simultaneously working to create art that is widely palatable and personally meaningful. The Park is physical, vaudevillian, abstract, and entertainingly dumb.
Liam is a data analyst from San Francisco and Jaymie is an entertainment lawyer from Los Angeles. Each are obsessed with and consumed by comedy and improv and have been training and performing for more than a decade. Their duo, The Park, started out as an experiment to see what would happen if they broke all the improv rules. It turns out that the rules mean very little and improv is more fun, playful, and exciting without them. The Park regularly puts their experiment on stage to the delight and horror of its audience.
Somewhat Theatre (UK)
This is Not a Play

What do you call a fish with no eyes?
What makes a play a play? What is the difference between a play and an improv set? What do you call a fish with no eyes? A very serious, not at all silly exploration of the nature of theatre and other grand-minded ideas. We ask the audience what makes a play a play, then play that play. Playfully.
Somewhat Theatre play with new approaches to improvising theatre, blending experimentation with downright silliness.
A supergroup of some of the finest improvisers in London today. Whether adapting your favourite stories into something new and remarkable or building an entire play from scratch, Somewhat Theatre are the very epitome of theatre. Somewhat.
Mixer show
My name is Alexa Young
Mix it up and let something new happen. A group of people who havn't improvised together before come together to make things up on the spot.

WePolak (US/POL)

"WePolak are an absolute surreal joy to watch"
Meet WePolak, the dynamic duo merging Chicago's improv legend, Jeff Michalski, co-founder of The Second City ETC, with the veteran Polish improviser, Monika Ozdarska, boasting over 12 years of experience both on stage and in teaching.
Their unique journey began in the virtual realm during the pandemic, but it didn't take long for their chemistry to ignite into real-life magic. Their debut live performance at Chicago's Annoyance Theater marked the birth of something special.
WePolak thrives on the joy of playing together, creating a mesmerizing, long-form improv show that's nothing short of an artful mosaic. Their performance is a kaleidoscope of playful exploration, sprinkled with profound insights on relationships and even a dash of existential philosophy. It's all brought to life through their extraordinary improvisational prowess, a hallmark of true masters of the craft. Join WePolak on a journey where laughter, wisdom, and creative intimacy converge in a theatrical experience like no other.
"Their skill, their atmosphere, their chemistry all combined create a unique and colourful result. I was impressed by they way the changed from comedy to political satire, to deeper scenes giving to the audience great variety. This show was not only entertaining, but also educational without becoming didactic at all. I promise you will have fun and after that you will have a lot of things to think about!"
- Maro Lesioti Rigakou, Greece
"Two masters turning pure feeling into theatre. WePolak are an absolute surreal joy to watch."
- Lee James Alabaster Apsey
Presens (SWE)

Presens create scenes that makes the audience laugh until they choke on their potato chips (true story).
Presens are doing the Harold! What the audience will see is a bunch of fun sketches played by some of the fastest thinking improv comedians in the country. Presens fast paced improv style is based on the idea to always follow the funny and believe us - there are many ideas that fight for space in this group because they are all passionate about comedy.
Presens Impro has originally existed for more than 15 years but in the latest years their community has grown a lot as well as the ensemble of highly skilled improvisers. With two theatres in Stockholm, work on television and writing and producing stage art they are the hardest working comedians in Sweden.