En improvisationskurs för dig som är ny till,eller har viss erfarenhet av, improvisationsteater. Kursen introducerar grunderna i improvisationsteater och arbetar med improviserade scener.
Kursmål & studieresultat
Efter avslutad kurs kommer deltagaren att behärska improvisationsteaterns grundläggande principer och därigenom enkelt kunna genomföra improviserade scener med hjälp av de medel och verktyg som introducerats under kursens gång.
24 - 27 APRIL 2024
Improteater Impeerium (EST)
Improv in Gibberish

A mix of clown, mime, silent movies and commedia dell´arte.
This is what happens if you mix clown, mime, silent movies and commedia dell´arte. No knowledge of any language is necessary, since this show is in the nonsense language Gibberish.
Improtheater IMPEERIUM grew out of the first Estonian professional improv group in 2013. We have given performances and workshops in all over Estonia. In 2023 we opened our own theatre house. This is the first and the only improv theatre hall in Estonian. At the moment.
Far and the rest of the family (NO)

If your family is weird, you will soon find out that this family is even weirder.
Family always comes first. This family always comes second, at least when it comes to all of the improv competitions we have participated in. Anyways, that’s not important right now. Far and the rest of the family is a group of experienced improvisers doing short-form improv just the way you like your family get-togethers: a night full of weird people, dry cakes, cheap wine, and drier puns.
If your family is weird, you will soon find out that this family is even weirder.
Far and the rest of the family is a house team of Impro Neuf in Oslo.
Mixer show
My name is Alexa Young
Mix it up and let something new happen. A group of people who havn't improvised together before come together to make things up on the spot.

The Serious Duo (SWE)
Between the Lines

You come with a book, but what do you leave with?
Agnes and Anton explore relationships between the lines. They play in the dark without a flashlight, they hold their breath, they read out loud, they speak the truth, they speak at the same time and interpret freely. The roof is gone, the walls are flexible. What do they really have to lean on? Books. Agnes and Anton have books. A home without books is like a body without a soul. The theater is our home. But where are the books? In this improvised duo performance, we see Agnes Edvall and Anton Romanus create meaning from the written word, when they move between the lines of literary works and out into an improvised reality. Between the lines explores subtext and brings together the precision of the written word with the exploration of improvisation.
Bring a book of any genre and maybe it will become part of the reality of the evening. You come with a book, but what do you leave with? Welcome in, Between the lines
The Villagers (NL)
The Jaw-Dropping Tales of Our Fabulous Village

For centuries our village has been isolated from the rest of the world...
For centuries our village has been isolated from the rest of the world. Now it is time that we share the legendary story of our village with you. Our customs, our heroes, and our legends.
About the team
Peter More is a British improviser who has mostly worked in Amsterdam. He is a member of easylaughs (NL), Sprout (UK) and Mischler, Moore and More. He has taught and performed at festivals all over Europe.
Jochem Meijer is an improviser from Amsterdam. For nearly 25 years he has made his work of teaching various improv troupes, schools and companies withing the Netherlands and Europe. He loves making people click with each other and focuses on getting the group to a higher level. Recently he loves linking his hobby of online computer gaming and improv together, and tries to implement the skills of improv into his gaming skills.
Roos Slingerland is a Dutch improviser, playing at the Amsterdam group Placebo. She is part of the female-action group Ferocious Four and participated at festivals. She teaches improv to Dutch groups and likes to investigate what a show needs, follow her weird impulses and with that keep the audience invested.