En improvisationskurs för dig som är ny till,eller har viss erfarenhet av, improvisationsteater. Kursen introducerar grunderna i improvisationsteater och arbetar med improviserade scener.
Kursmål & studieresultat
Efter avslutad kurs kommer deltagaren att behärska improvisationsteaterns grundläggande principer och därigenom enkelt kunna genomföra improviserade scener med hjälp av de medel och verktyg som introducerats under kursens gång.
24 - 27 APRIL 2024
Unplanned Parenthood (UK)

An improvised Scandinavian Crime Drama. We take the audience along the trail of the perpetrators of the crime as well as into the complicated lives of the detectives. The show is inspired by Nordic Noir hits such as The Killing, The Bridge, and The Naked Gun.
Peter More (UK) and Emma Wessleus (SE) met in Amsterdam and were both members of the easylaughs and Opro - Improvised Opera. They are both improvisers and stand-ups, but Emma wins because she is also an opera singer. Between them they can reach the high notes and the low brows. Between them they have 25 years of performing experience and a baby.
Unplanned Parenthood (UK) perform Wednesday 4th of March.